Why is it so difficult to eliminate pet urine odor?
First, let’s look at the composition of pet urine. Unlike human urine which is comprised of over 95% water, cats and dogs don’t drink as much water as we do, so their urine is more concentrated with uric acid.
Uric acid consists of nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Uric acid crystalizes and doesn’t dissolve in water. That’s why most cleaning products and steam cleaning systems won’t be effective in removing pet urine.
Additionally, pet urine penetrates carpet fibers, the carpet padding, and sometimes the sub-floor. The uric acid crystals bond to the fibers and can’t been seen with the naked eye.
One might think the problem has been solved with products which cover-up the odor, but the reality is that the source has not been eliminated. Therefore, the odor will return, particularly in humid conditions and during the summer months.
How Bio-Enzymes Eliminate the Urine Odor Source
Bio-enzyme cleaners contain enzymes which work differently. In the case of removing pet urine, products such as ENZO MAGIC Enzyme Active Stain & Odor Eliminator contain protease-based enzymes which are specific to breaking down protein-based stains and odors.

These protease-based enzymes quickly break down the molecules in uric acid crystals, converting them into carbon dioxide and ammonia, which evaporate. Thus, the source of the odor is destroyed.
Additionally, cleaners such as ENZO MAGIC with protease-based enzymes are also effective on other organic, protein-based stains and odors, such as those caused by feces, vomit, blood and most foods.
ENZO MAGIC also contains d-limonene to deliver additional cleaning power along with leaving a fresh, clean citrus scent.